
Quilting level 2 : Quilt as you go.

And then, stash/remnants busting projects.

With an easy technique.

Create your own vortex !

But be prepared to use a lot of thread... (I must have killed a 100m/91y bobbin with the cushion cover).

And all thanks to this amazing tutorial.

My first try, the placemat.
I used polyester felt instead of batting. It works well once you already have a few pieces on it. As you can see, the middle is a bit warped.

My second try, the cushion cover.

What I learned (with mine and by looking at others) : for a more natural, and irregular look, the center piece needs to be "surrounded" by at least 5 pieces ; for a better 3D effect, the outer pieces need to be quite wide, even if, in the end, just a tiny bit will show.

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